

Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Concerto for Two Mandolins
Antonio Vivaldi

Ao vivo.


O Arco-íris
The Rainbow
Camille Pissarro


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Alfred Stieglitz

A Canção "Unlike Me" é cantada por Kate Havnevik.
The song "Unlike Me" is sung by Kate Havnevik.


Os Campos de Extermínio
The Killing Fields
Roland Joffé

Trailer do filme lançado em 1984.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Preview of the film released in 1984.
In English, no subtitles.


A Última Palavra
The Last Word
Dith Pran

Em inglês, sem legendas.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Ring of Fire
Ray Charles


Poemas 276
Poems 276

Messy Room

Shel Silverstein

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Nocturne No 3
Franz Liszt


Rue du Maure
Eugene Atget
c. 1908


O Mar do Norte
The North Sea
Tony Comley

Curta de animação.
Música de Chris Mayo.
Animation short.
Music by Chris Mayo.




The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
I Can't Quit You Baby
Otis Rush


Poemas 275
Poems 275


Murilo Mendes

Eu existo para assistir ao fim do mundo.
Não há outro espetáculo que me invoque.
Será uma festa prodigiosa, a única festa.
Ó meus amigos e comunicantes,
tudo o que acontece desde o princípio é a sua preparação.

Eu preciso presto assistir o fim do mundo
para saber o que Deus quer comigo e com todos
e para saciar minha sede de teatro.
Preciso assistir o julgamento universal,
ouvir os coros imensos,
as lamentações e as queixas de todos,
desde Adão até o último homem.

Eu existo para assistir ao fim do mundo,
eu existo para a visão beatífica.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day




Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Jacob Riis

Música: "Come Tenderness" de Patrick Cassidy cantada por Lisa Gerrard.
Music: "Come Tenderness" by Patrick Cassidy performed by Lisa Gerrard.


The Vatican Rag
Tom Lehrer

First you get down on your knees,
Fiddle with your rosaries,
Bow your head with great respect,
And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!

Do whatever steps you want, if
You have cleared them with the Pontiff.
Everybody say his own
Kyrie eleison,
Doin' the Vatican Rag.

Get in line in that processional,
Step into that small confessional,
There, the guy who's got religion'll
Tell you if your sin's original.
If it is, try playin' it safer,
Drink the wine and chew the wafer,
Two, four, six, eight,
Time to transubstantiate!

So get down upon your knees,
Fiddle with your rosaries,
Bow your head with great respect,
And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!

Make a cross on your abdomen,
When in Rome do like a Roman,
Ave Maria,
Gee it's good to see ya,
Gettin' ecstatic an'
Sorta dramatic an'
Doin' the Vatican Rag!


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Shake, Rattle & Roll
Big Joe Turner


Poemas 274
Poems 274


Luis de Góngora

Ándeme yo caliente
y ríase la gente.

Traten otros del gobierno
del mundo y sus monarquías,
mientras gobiernan mis dias
mantequillas y pan tierno,
y las mañanas de invierno
naranjada y aguardiente,
y ríase la gente.

Coma en dorada vajilla
el príncipe mil cuidados,
como píldoras dorados;
que yo en mi pobre mesilla
quiero más una morcilla
que en el asqador reviente,
y ríase la gente.

Cuando cubra las montañas
de blanca nieve el enero,
tenga yo lleno el brasero
de bellotas y castañas,
y quien las dulces patrañas
del Rey que rabió me cuente,
y ríase la gente.

Busque muy en hora buena
el mercader nuevos soles;
yo conchas y caracoles
entre la menuda arena,
escuchando a Filomena
sobre el chopo de lal fuente,
y ríase la gente.

Pase a media noche el mar,
y arda en amorosa llama
Leandro por ver su Dama;
que yo más quiero pasar
del golfo de mi lagar
la blanca o roja corriente,
y ríase la gente.

Pues Amor es tan cruel,
que de Píramo y su amada
hace tálamo una espada,
do se junten ella y él,
sea mi Tisbe un pastel,
y la espada sea mi diente,
y ríase la gente.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Wolfang Amadeus Mozart


Criança de Rua
Street Child
Lewis Hine
c. 1910


Tom Lehrer

If you visit American city,
You will find it very pretty.
Just two things of which you must beware:
Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air.

Pollution, pollution,
We got smog and sewage and mud.
Turn on your tap and get hot and cold running crud.

See the halibuts and the sturgeons
Being wiped out by detergents.
Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly,
But they dont last long if they try.

Pollution, pollution,
You can use the latest toothpaste,
And then rinse your mouth with industrial waste.

Just go out for a breath of air,
And you'll be ready for medicare.
The city streets are really quite a thrill.
If the hoods don't get you, the monoxide will.

Pollution, pollution,
Wear a gas mask and a veil.
Then you can breathe, long as you don't inhale.

Lots of things there that you can drink,
But stay away from the kitchen sink.
Throw out your breakfast garbage and I've got a hunch,
That the folks dowstream will drink it for lunch.

So go to the city, see the crazy people there.
Like lambs to the slaughter,
They're drinking the water
And breathing the air.


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


O Discurso Sobre Raça de Obama
Obama Race speech

Grande oratória.
No mesmo nível dos grandes discursos, de Abraham Lincoln a John and Robert Kennedy.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Great oratory.
In the same level of the great speeches, from Lincoln to Jack and Robert Kennedy.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Hobo Blues
John Lee Hooker


Poemas 273
Poems 273


Seamus Heaney

Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pin rest; snug as a gun.

Under my window, a clean rasping sound
When the spade sinks into gravelly ground:
My father, digging. I look down

Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds
Bends low, comes up twenty years away
Stooping in rhythm through potato drills
Where he was digging.

The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft
Against the inside knee was levered firmly.
He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deep
To scatter new potatoes that we picked,
Loving their cool hardness in our hands.

By God, the old man could handle a spade.
Just like his old man.

My grandfather cut more turf in a day
Than any other man on Toner's bog.
Once I carried him milk in a bottle
Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up
To drink it, then fell to right away
Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods
Over his shoulder, going down and down
For the good turf. Digging.

The cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap
Of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge
Through living roots awaken in my head.
But I've no spade to follow men like them.

Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pen rests.
I'll dig with it.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Hungarian Dances


Jacques-Louis David


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Roger Fenton

A canção é "Abdul Abulbul Amir" cantada por Percy French e inspirada na Guerra da Criméia.
The song is "Abdul Abulbul Amir" sang by Percy French and inspired by the Crimean War.


The Elements
Tom Lehrer

There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,
And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium,
And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,
And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,
Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium,
And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium,
And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium,

And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.

There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium,
And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium,
And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium,
And bismuth, bromine, lithium, beryllium, and barium.

There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium,
And phosphorus and francium and fluorine and terbium,
And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium,
Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium.
And lead, praseodymium, and platinum, plutonium,
Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium,
And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium,

And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.

There's sulfur, californium, and fermium, berkelium,
And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium,
And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc, and rhodium,
And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin, and sodium.

These are the only ones of which the news has come to Ha'vard,
And there may be many others, but they haven't been discavard.


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.

Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
n English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
I Don't Hurt
Dinah Washington


Poemas 272
Poems 272


Vinicius de Moraes

De manhã escureço
De dia tardo
De tarde anoiteço
De noite ardo.

A oeste a morte
Contra quem vivo
Do sul cativo
O este é meu norte.

Outros que contem
Passo por passo:
Eu morro ontem

Nasço amanhã
Ando onde há espaço:
- Meu tempo é quando.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Moonlight Sonata
Arthur Rubinstein


Harry Callahan


Mandelbrot Set
Arthur C. Clarke

Matemática Visual ao som de Mozart.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Visual Mathematics to the sound of Mozart.
In English, no subtitles.


Tom Lehrer

Is the change
They're trying to arrange
Today in sociology

In their attics
Are learning mathematics
Just for sociology

By equation
They all feel it's much more satisfactory
They, in an ivory steeple
Far away from all people
They do research in sociology

Who wrote lies
Now present them in disguise
A cinch in sociology

Quite abstract
Without one single fact
Disblended sociology

Who used words
Now all talk in terms of X and Y and Z
They can take one small matrix
And really do great tricks
All in the name of sociology

Who wrote prose
Now write algebra, who knows
It may be sociology

Full of Sigma and Chi squared
And full of sociology

They consult
Sounding occult
Talking like a Mathematics PhD
They can snow all their clients
By calling it science
Although it's only sociology


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Fine and Mellow
Billie Holiday

Em 1957 com Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster, Gerry Mulligan, Roy Eldridge, Doc Cheatham, Vic Dickenson, Danny Barker, Milt Hinton e Mal Waldron.
In 1957 with Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster, Gerry Mulligan, Roy Eldridge, Doc Cheatham, Vic Dickenson, Danny Barker, Milt Hinton and Mal Waldron


Poemas 271
Poems 271

Palabras para Julia

José Agustín Goytisolo

Tu no puedes volver atrás
porque la vida ya te empuja
como un aullido interminable
Te sentirás acorralada
te sentirás perdida o sola
tal vez querrás no haber nacido
no haber nacido.
Pero tú siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí
pensando en ti como ahora pienso.
La vida es bella ya verás
como a pesar de los pesares
tendrás amigos tendrás amor
tendrás amigos
Un hombre solo una mujer
así tomados de uno en uno
son como polvo no son nada
no son nada.
Entonces siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí
pensando en ti como ahora pienso.
Nunca te entregues ni te apartes
junto al camino nunca digas
no puedo más y aquí me quedo
y aquí me quedo.
Otros esperan que resistas,
que les ayude tu alegría,
que les ayude tu canción
entre sus canciones.
Entonces siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí
pensando en ti como ahora pienso.
La vida es bella ya verás
como a pesar de los pesares
tendrás amigos tendrás amor
tendrás amigos.
No sé decirte nada más
pero tú debes comprender
que aún estoy en el camino,
en el camino.
Pero tú siempre acuérdate
de lo que un día yo escribí
pensando en ti como ahora pienso.

Palavras para Júlia
José Agustín Goytisolo
(Tradução de Antonio Miranda)

Tu não podes voltar atrás
porque a vida te empurra
como um uivo interminável
Te sentirás encurralada
sentirás como perdida ou sozinha
talvez desejes não ter nascido
não ter nascido.
Mas sempre te lembres
do que um dia eu escrevi.
Pensando em ti como penso agora.
A vida é bela já verás
que apesar dos pesares
terás amigos terás amores
terás amigos.
Um homem só uma mulher
considerados um a um
são como pó nada são
nada são.
Então sempre te lembres
do que um dia escrevi
pensando em ti como penso agora.
Nunca te entregues nem te afastes
pelo caminho nunca digas
não posso mais e por aqui fico
por aqui fico.
Outros esperam que resistas,
que tua alegria os ajude,
que os ajude tua canção
entre suas canções.
Então sempre te lembres
do que um dia eu escrevi
pensando em ti como penso agora.
A vida é bela já verás
apesar de todos os pesares
terás amigos terás amores
terás amigos.
Nada mais posso dizer-te
mas tu deves entender
que ainda estou no caminho,
no caminho.
Então sempre te lembres
do que um dia escrevi
pensando em ti como penso agora.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Rhaphsody in Blue
George Gershwin


O Carregador de Flores
The Flower Carrier
Diego Rivera


Encontro com Rama
Rendezvous with Rama
Arthur C. Clarke
Aaron Ross

Curta de animação.
Animation short.


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Jeanloup Sieff


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Irish Angel
Johnny Lang

Ao vivo.


Poemas 270
Poems 270

Dream Deferred

Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore--
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Take Five
Dave Brubeck


Garry Winogrand


Uma Visão em 3D
de um Objeto Rama
A 3D View of Rama Object
Arthur C. Clarke
Eric Bruneton

Curta de animação.
Animation short.


Envenenando Pombos no Parque
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
Tom Lehrer

Spring is here, a-suh-puh-ring is here.
Life is skittles and life is beer.
I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring.
I do, don't you? 'Course you do.
But there's one thing that makes spring complete for me,
And makes ev'ry Sunday a treat for me.

All the world seems in tune
On a spring afternoon,
When we're poisoning pigeons in the park.
Ev'ry Sunday you'll see
My sweetheart and me,
As we poison the pigeons in the park.

When they see us coming, the birdies all try an' hide,
But they still go for peanuts when coated with cyanide.
The sun's shining bright,
Ev'rything seems all right,
When we're poisoning pigeons in the park.


We've gained notoriety,
And caused much anxiety
In the Audubon Society
With our games.
They call it impiety,
And lack of propriety,
And quite a variety
Of unpleasant names.
But it's not against any religion
To want to dispose of a pigeon.

So if Sunday you're free,
Why don't you come with me,
And we'll poison the pigeons in the park.
And maybe we'll do
In a squirrel or two,
While we're poisoning pigeons in the park.

We'll murder them all amid laughter and merriment.
Except for the few we take home to experiment.
My pulse will be quickenin'
With each drop of strychnine
We feed to a pigeon.
It just takes a smidgen!
To poison a pigeon in the park.


The Sentinel
Arthur C.Clarke

Conto de Arthur C. Clarke em sete partes.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
Short story by Arthur C. Clarke in seven parts.
In English, no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Double Trouble
Mike Welch


Poemas 269
Poems 269

Água Perrier

Antonio Cícero

Não quero mudar você
nem mostrar novos mundos
pois eu, meu amor, acho graça até mesmo em clichês.

Adoro esse olhar blasé
que não só já viu quase tudo
mas acha tudo tão déjà vu mesmo antes de ver.

Só proponho
alimentar seu tédio.
Para tanto exponho
a minha admiração.
Você em troca cede o
seu olhar sem sonhos
à minha contemplação:

Adoro, sei lá por quê,
esse olhar
meio escudo
que em vez de meu álcool forte pede água Perrier.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Once Upon a Time in the West
Ennio Morricone




Uma Peça de
A Play by
Samuel Beckett
Directed by
Anthony Minghella
Parts 1 & 2


Em inglês, sem legendas.
In English, no subtitles.


Reflexões no 90° Aniversário
90th Birthday Reflections
Sir Arthur C. Clarke

Fiquei muito triste com sua partida.
Um dos meus autores de ficção-científica preferidos.
Em inglês, sem legendas.
I was very sorry with his departure.
One of my favourite sci-fi authors.
In English, no subtitles.


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Brassaï (Gyula Halász)

Com sua biografia legendada em inglês.
With his biography subtitled in English.


História do Blues
Blues History
Who Stole My Radio?
Shemekia Copeland


Poemas 268
Poems 268

A Federico García Lorca

Rafael Alberti

Sal tú, bebiendo campos y ciudades,
en largo ciervo de agua convertido,
hacia el mar de las albas claridades,
del martín-pescador mecido nido;

que yo saldré a esperarte, amortecido,
hecho junco, a las altas soledades,
herido por el aire y requerido
por tu voz, sola entre las tempestades.

Deja que escriba, débil junco frío,
mi nombre en esas aguas corredoras,
que el viento llama, solitario, río.

Disuelto ya en tu nieve el nombre mío,
vuélvete a tus montañas trepadoras,
ciervo de espuma, rey del monterío.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Gabriel's Oboe
Ennio Morricone


Visitantes Estranhos
Strange Visitors
John Gutmann


Federico Fellini

Trailer do filme lançado em 1969.
Preview of the film released in 1969.


Natureza Humana
Human Nature
Xiao Guang Li
Maxime Vallon
Alexis Wannerroy

Curta de animação.
Animation short.


T. K. Kim

Curta japonês falado em francês.
Sem legendas.
Japanese short spoken in French.
No subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
No Such Thing
John Mayer


Poemas 267
Poems 267

A Dream Within A Dream

Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Nessum Dorma
Jose Carreras


O Canal
The Lock
John Constable


Steven Spielberg

Trailer reeditado como um filme sobre uma invasão alienígena.
Preview recut like an alien invasion film.


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Doris Ulmann


Você Está Aqui
You Are Here
JuJu Barbi Mix

Curta de animação brasileiro.
Brazilian animation short.


História do Blues
Blues History
Uncle Junior
Matt Schofield


Poemas 266
Poems 266

Noite de Natal

Ana Cristina Cesar

Noite de Natal.
Estou bonita que é um desperdício.
Não sinto nada
Não sinto nada, mamãe
Menti de dia
Antigamente eu sabia escrever
Hoje beijo os pacientes na entrada e na saída
com desvelo técnico.
Freud e eu brigamos muito.
Irene no céu desmente: deixou de
trepar aos 45 anos
Entretanto sou moça
estreando um bico fino que anda feio,
pisa mais que deve,
me leva indesejável pra perto das
botas pretas



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
From 'Enigma Variations'
Edward Elgar


Tina Modotti


Alfred Hitchcock

O trailer original do filme lançado em 1960.
The original preview of the film released in 1960.


Oedipus Rex
Tom Lehrer

It seems that most of the songs that you hear these days on the radio played by the disc-jockeys, apart from Rock-n-Roll and other childrens' records, tend to be motion-picture title-songs.

Apparently producers feel that we will not attend their movies unless we have the titles well drilled into our heads in advance. Of course, we don't go anyway, but at least this way they make back on the song some of what they've lost on the picture. With the rise of the motion-picture title-song, we've had such hits in the past few years as The Ten Commandments Mambo, Brothers Karamazov Cha-Cha, Incredible Shrinking Man, I Love You. I'm sure you're all familiar with these, but a few years ago a motion picture version appeared of Sophocles' immortal tragedy Oedipus Rex. This picture played only in the so-called art theaters, and it was not a financial success. And I maintain that the reason it was not a financial success...


(You're away ahead of me.) ...was, that it did not have a title tune, which the people could hum and which would make them actually eager to attend this particular play. So, I have attempted to supply this and here then is the prospective title song from Oedipus Rex.

From the Bible to the popular song,
There's one theme that we find right along.
Of all ideals they hail as good,
The most sublime is Motherhood.

There was a man, oh, who it seems,
Once carried this ideal to extremes.
He loved his mother and she loved him,
And yet his story is rather grim.

There once lived a man named Oedipus Rex.
You may have heard about his odd complex.
His name appears in Freud's index
'Cause he loved his mother.

His rivals used to say quite a bit,
That as a monarch he was most unfit.
But still in all they had to admit
That he loved his mother.

Yes he loved his mother like no other.
His daughter was his sister and his son was his brother.
One thing on which you can depend is,
He sure knew who a boy's best friend is!

When he found what he had done,
He tore his eyes out one by one.
A tragic end to a loyal son
Who loved his mother.

So be sweet and kind to Mother,
Now and then have a chat.
Buy her candy or some flowers or a brand new hat.
But maybe you had better let it go at that!

Or you may find yourself with a quite complex complex,
And you may end up like Oedipus.
I'd rather marry a duck-billed platypus,
Than end up like old Oedipus Rex.


Kiel Eulberg

Curta brasileiro em inglês sem legendas.
Brazilian short in English with no subtitles.


História do Blues
Blues History
Had To Cry Today
Joe Bonamassa


Poemas 265
Poems 265


Nicolás Guillén

En Chile hallé palabras
de lluvia y nieve intacta,
mas ninguna tan clara...
- Panimávida.

Va por las rocas; salta.
De espumas se empenacha.
Luego duerme y se estanca.
- Panimávida.

O bien su antigua llama
muestra como una lágrima
en la noche araucana.
- Panimávida.

En Chile hallé palabras
de lluvia y nieve intacta,
mas ninguna tan clara...
- Panimávida.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
Rondo A La Turca
Vladimir Horowitz


A Travessia
The Crossing
Leon Spilliaert


Mestres da Fotografia
Masters of Photography
Jacques-Henri Lartigue


A Lenda de Boruta
The Legend of Boruta
Bartek Nowakowski

Curta de animação polonês com legendas em inglês.
Polish animation short with English subtitles.


Vagalume Solitário
Lonely Firefly
Guida Santos

Curta de animação em 3D
3D animation short.


História do Blues
Blues History
Prison Blues & Shotgun Blues
Kenny Wayne Shepherd


Acústico e elétrico.
Acoustic and electric.


Poemas 264
Poems 264

A Walk After Dark

W. H. Auden

A cloudless night like this
Can set the spirit soaring:
After a tiring day
The clockwork spectacle is
Impressive in a slightly boring
Eighteenth-century way.

It soothed adolescence a lot
To meet so shameless a stare;
The things I did could not
Be so shocking as they said
If that would still be there
After the shocked were dead

Now, unready to die
But already at the stage
When one starts to resent the young,
I am glad those points in the sky
May also be counted among
The creatures of middle-age.

It's cosier thinking of night
As more an Old People's Home
Than a shed for a faultless machine,
That the red pre-Cambrian light
Is gone like Imperial Rome
Or myself at seventeen.

Yet however much we may like
The stoic manner in which
The classical authors wrote,
Only the young and rich
Have the nerve or the figure to strike
The lacrimae rerum note.

For the present stalks abroad
Like the past and its wronged again
Whimper and are ignored,
And the truth cannot be hid;
Somebody chose their pain,
What needn't have happened did.

Occurring this very night
By no established rule,
Some event may already have hurled
Its first little No at the right
Of the laws we accept to school
Our post-diluvian world:

But the stars burn on overhead,
Unconscious of final ends,
As I walk home to bed,
Asking what judgment waits
My person, all my friends,
And these United States.



Trilha do Dia
Soundtrack of the Day
La Marsellaise
Rouget de Lisle
Mireille Mathieu

Estou lendo uma história da Revolução Francesa, donde a escolha de hoje.


Allons enfants de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrivé
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras,
Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes

Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons
Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons

Français! en guerriers magnanimes
Portez ou retenez vos coups.
Épargnez ces tristes victimes
A regret s'armant contre vous.
A regret s'armant contre vous.
Mais ces despotes sanguinaires,
Mais ces complices de Bouillé,
Tous ces tigres qui sans pitié
Déchirent le sein de leur mère

Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons
Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons

Amour sacré de la Patrie
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs!
Liberté, Liberté chérie!
Combats avec tes défenseurs.
Combats avec tes défenseurs.
Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire
Accoure à tes mâles accents,
Que tes ennemis expirant
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire!

Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons
Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons

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