Cantora - Singer
De acordo com Mônica Bérgamo, a cantora Tetê "estilhaça-cristal" Espíndola vai passear de barco nos rios Cuiabá e Paraguai. Vai ensinar meio-ambiente aos locais e cantar. Gente branca tem cada uma, não?
According to Mônica Bérgamo, the singer Tetê "crystal-shatterer" Espíndola will sail the rivers Cuiabá and Paraguay. She will teach environment to the locals and sing. White people have some pretty weird notions, don't they?
According to Mônica Bérgamo, the singer Tetê "crystal-shatterer" Espíndola will sail the rivers Cuiabá and Paraguay. She will teach environment to the locals and sing. White people have some pretty weird notions, don't they?