Na madrugada de quinta-feira, cinco viaturas da polícia e do trânsito estavam mobilizadas para ver o que fazia um homem com capuz e máscara de oxigênio no túnel que interliga a 9 de julho e a Cidade Jardim. Era o artista plástico Alexandre Orion que, usando uma técnica de limpeza, fazia desenhos a partir da fuligem acumulada nas paredes do túnel. Ele já trabalhou com grafite, mas resolveu pensar em novas formas de intervenção urbana. Como limpar não é crime, os agentes da lei foram embora e o deixaram trabalhar.
O Mestre John Howard, que introduziu o grafite urbano no Bananão, ficará orgulhoso dele. Genial.
In the small hours of Thursday, five police and traffic cars were mobilized to see what a hooded man with an oxygen mask was doing in the tunnel connecting Avenue 9 de Julho to Avenue Cidade Jardim. The man was the plastic artist Alexandre Orion who, using a cleaning technique, was making drawings with the soot accumulated in the tunnel walls. He has already worked with graffiti, but decided to think of other forms of urban intervention. As cleaning is not a crime, the agents of the law went away and left him to his work.
The Master John Howard, who introduced urban graffiti in the BigBanana, will be proud of him. Outstanding.
The Master John Howard, who introduced urban graffiti in the BigBanana, will be proud of him. Outstanding.