A Copa de Outubro
The October Cup
É um conforto ter o deputado Fernando Gabeira na CPI dos Sanguessugas. É a certeza de que se houver acordos espúrios, ao menos ficaremos sabendo, pois o deputado, além de sensato, é destemido.
O jogo eleitoral está apenas começando e desconfio que a oposição vai ficar mais competitiva. Não necessariamente porque tenha propostas melhores, mas porque a situação, Lula e o PT - talvez por serem marinheiros de primeira viagem, talvez porque não prestam mesmo - se envolveram até o pescoço com os tipos mais sórdidos disponíveis.
E o povo bananoso sabe, instintivamente, que o mercado de sórdidos no Bananão sempre teve mais oferta do que demanda.
It is a comfort to have the representative Fernando Gabeira in the Bloodsuckers Parliamentary Investigation Commission. It is the certainty that if spurious agreements are made, we will at least be informed, for the representative, besides being a reasonable man, is fearless.
The election game is just beginning and I suspect that the opposition will become more competitive. Not necessarily because it has better proposals, but because the administration, Lula and the PT - maybe because they are in their maiden voyage, maybe because they really are no good - are up to the neck with the most sordid types of people available.
And BigBananians know, instinctively, that the market of sordid people in the BigBanana always had more offer than demand.
The election game is just beginning and I suspect that the opposition will become more competitive. Not necessarily because it has better proposals, but because the administration, Lula and the PT - maybe because they are in their maiden voyage, maybe because they really are no good - are up to the neck with the most sordid types of people available.
And BigBananians know, instinctively, that the market of sordid people in the BigBanana always had more offer than demand.