Diabetes & a vista
Diabetes & eye sight
Da reportagem de Cristina Amorim no OESP de hoje:
"Pesquisadores da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) descobriram que diabéticos do tipo 2 passam a ver o mundo diferente. ... eles literalmente enxergam as cores alteradas. A variação é sutil e progressiva, então quem sofre do problema se adapta e não se dá conta da mudança. Mas ela atinge a maioria dos diabéticos estudados, 55%, especialmente na percepção do verde e do vermelho. Além disso, até 90% mostram menos sensibilidade ao contraste entre as cores. O estudo é mais do que uma curiosa conseqüência da doença." Os pesquisadores acreditam que ele pode ajudar os pacientes a evitarem a cegueira decorrente da diabetes.
Não há tratamento para a evitar, a não ser o controle rigoroso das taxas de glicose no sangue.
Uma coisa que todos os diabéticos deveriam fazer em todo caso, acrescento.
From the article of Cristina Amorim in the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo today:
"Researchers of the University of São Paulo (USP) found out that type 2 diabetics see the world differently. ... they literally see colors altered. The variation is subtle and progressive, so those suffering with the illness adapt themselves and don't realize the difference. But it affects the majority of the diabetics studied, 55%, especially in the perception of green and red. Besides that, up to 90% show less sensibility to the contrast between colors. The study is more than a curious consequence of the illness." The researchers believe that it can help the patients to avoid the blindness resulting from diabetes.
There is no treatment to avoid it, except the strict control of blood glucose rates.
Something all diabetics should do anyway, I add.
"Researchers of the University of São Paulo (USP) found out that type 2 diabetics see the world differently. ... they literally see colors altered. The variation is subtle and progressive, so those suffering with the illness adapt themselves and don't realize the difference. But it affects the majority of the diabetics studied, 55%, especially in the perception of green and red. Besides that, up to 90% show less sensibility to the contrast between colors. The study is more than a curious consequence of the illness." The researchers believe that it can help the patients to avoid the blindness resulting from diabetes.
There is no treatment to avoid it, except the strict control of blood glucose rates.
Something all diabetics should do anyway, I add.