

Fernando Vanucci

É o caso de assistir o apresentador esportivo Fernando Vanucci na Rede TV!, ao vivo, em um estado, digamos assim , fora do seu usual. Sinto por ele, é claro, mas é engraçado. A dica é do blog do UOL, o link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTvOGmu__4 .
It is the case of watching the sports host Fernando Vanucci of Rede TV!, live, in a state, let's put it this way, out of his usual. I'm sorry for him, of course, but it is funny. The tip is of UOL's blog, the link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTvOGmu__4 .
(Not much fun for English speaking people, unfortunately, but I might be wrong. It's worth a try. Watch for the long pauses and look at his eyes).

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