Vinte e três dos 24 depuests de Rondônia roubaram R$ 14.960.000,00 do Tesouro com o pagamento a 567 fantasmas através de uma folha de pagamento paralela em menos de um ano.
São R$ 650.435,00 para cada um.
Uma soma para corrupto nenhum botar defeito e que provavelmente não veremos nunca mais.
Twenty-three of the 24 statereps of Rondônia stole around US$ 6,800,000.00 from the Treasury with the payment of 567 ghosts through a parallel payroll in less than a year.
It is around US$ 295,653.00 each.
A sum no corrupt person would find fault with and which we will probably never see again.
It is around US$ 295,653.00 each.
A sum no corrupt person would find fault with and which we will probably never see again.