Intervenção federal
Federal intervention
Uma das manchetes dos OESP de hoje relata que setores da justiça e do Ministério Público, além da Polícia Federal, pedem intervenção federal em Rondônia.
Com o Bananão nunca se sabe. É possível que isto tire a carne dos chacais e a dê para os lobos.
Por outro lado, o astrólogo Quiroga, no mesmo jornal, clama - com base no que dizem os corpos celestes, presumo: "Detonem a normalidade!"
Há momentos por aqui em que as coisas parecem definitivamente esquisitas.
One of the headlines of the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo today reports that sectors of the Public Ministry (a branch of the Judiciary), of the judicial system, besides the Federal Police, are asking for federal intervention in Rondônia.
One never knows with the BigBanana. It is possible that this takes the meat from the jackals and give it to the wolves.
On the other hand, the astrologer Quiroga, in the same newspaper, claims - based on what the celestial bodies say, I presume: "Explode normalcy!"
There are moments around here in which things seem definetely weird.
One never knows with the BigBanana. It is possible that this takes the meat from the jackals and give it to the wolves.
On the other hand, the astrologer Quiroga, in the same newspaper, claims - based on what the celestial bodies say, I presume: "Explode normalcy!"
There are moments around here in which things seem definetely weird.