O circo chegou
the circus is in town
Sessão nostalgia. Slogans políticos do passado.
O oficial "Fé em Deus e pé na tábua", o não oficial "Rouba, mas faz", o "Varre, varre, varre, vassourinha" e o "Vote no Brigadeiro, ele é bonito e é solteiro".
Agora vamos de "Pedasilva" e "Fulano, número 1230. O Hora do Almoço". Para não mencionar "Ey, ey, Eymael, um democrata cristão" e "Lula lá".
Os tempos estão mudando...
Nostalgia session. Political slogans of the past.
The official "Faith in God, and step on the gas", the unofficial "He steals, but he gets things done", the "Sweep, sweep, sweep, little broom" and the "Vote for the Brigadier, he's good looking and he's single".
Now we go with "Pedasilva" (something like 'Angrysmith') and "John Doe, number 1230. The Lunch Time". Not to mention "Ey, ey, Eymael, a christian democrat" and "Lula there".
The official "Faith in God, and step on the gas", the unofficial "He steals, but he gets things done", the "Sweep, sweep, sweep, little broom" and the "Vote for the Brigadier, he's good looking and he's single".
Now we go with "Pedasilva" (something like 'Angrysmith') and "John Doe, number 1230. The Lunch Time". Not to mention "Ey, ey, Eymael, a christian democrat" and "Lula there".
Times are a'changin...