

Poemas favoritos XLV
Favorite poems XLV


Paulo Leminski

Ai daqueles
que se amaram sem nenhuma briga
aqueles que deixaram
que a mágoa nova
virasse a chaga antiga

ai daqueles que se amaram
sem saber que amar é pão feito em casa
e que a pedra só não voa
porque não quer
não porque não tem asa

Others had swerved off to the left before,
But only under protest from outside;
Embittered robbers outlawed by the Law,
Lepers in terror of the terrified.

Now no one else accused these of a crime;
They did not look ill: old friends, overcome,
Stared as they rolled away from talk and time
Like marbles out into the blank and dumb.

The crowd clung all the closer to convention,
Sunshine and horses, for the sane know why
The even numbers should ignore the odd:

The Nameless is what no free people mention;
Successful men know better than to try
To see the face of their Absconded God.

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