Poemas favoritos XXXIX
Favorite poems XXXIX
Lista De Preferências
Bertold Brecht
Alegrias, as desmedidas.
Dores, as não curtidas.
Casos, os inconcebíveis.
Conselhos, os inexeqüíveis.
Meninas, as veras.
Mulheres, as insinceras.
Orgasmos, os múltiplos.
Ódios, os mútuos.
Domicílios, os passageiros.
Adeuses, os bem ligeiros.
Artes, as não rentáveis.
Professores, os enterráveis.
Prazeres, os transparentes.
Projetos, os contingentes.
Inimigos, os delicados.
Amigos, os estouvados.
Cores, o rubro.
Meses, outubro.
Elementos, o fogo.
Divindades, o logos.
Vidas, as lúcidas.
Mortes, as súbitas.
EndChristy Brown
Dying is a curious thing.
Not that I have ever quite died
except briefly now and then
in a hot-headed poetic way.
There is nothing ingenious about it.
A quick dolphin-plunge
under black water
and after the first year of mourning
the daisies nod undisturbed on your grave.
I could die today with a little effort
with a well-sprung wish I could die today
quietly laughing or crying
without trumpet
without cerimony
without drawing conclusions
in Mount Jerome under the fine wet grass.
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I couldn't agree more. Better still with art and poetry. Sorry I haven't posted anything in French, but I will. Pehaps something of Previn, like Feuille Morte, which I like very much. Liked your blog, fantastic comics.
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