

Poemas - 18
Poems - 18

Soneto de Intimidade

Vinícius de Moraes

Nas tardes da fazenda há muito azul demais.
Eu saio às vezes, sigo pelo pasto, agora
Mastigando um capim, o peito nu de fora
No pijama irreal de há três anos atrás.

Desço o rio no vau dos pequenos canais
Para ir beber na fonte a água fria e sonora
E se encontro no mato o rubro de uma amora
Vou cuspindo-lhe o sangue em torno dos currais

Fico ali respirando o cheiro bom do estrume
Entre as vacas e os bois que me oham sem ciúme
E quando por acaso uma mijada ferve

Seguido de um olhar não sem malícia e verve
Nós todos, animais, sem comoção nenhuma
Mijamos em comum numa festa de espuma.
Not Ideas About the Thing But the Thing Itself
Wallace Stevens

At the earliest ending of winter,
In March, a scrawny cry from outside
Seemed like a sound in his mind.

He knew that he heard it,
A bird's cry, at daylight or before,
In the early March wind.

The sun was rising at six,
No longer a battered panache above snow...
It would have been outside.

It was not from the vast ventriloquism
Of sleep's faded papier-mache...
The sun was coming from the outside.

That scrawny cry--It was
A chorister whose c preceded the choir.
It was part of the colossal sun,

Surrounded by its choral rings,
Still far away. It was like
A new knowledge of reality.

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