Dizia meu velho pai que certas frutas vão de verde para podre sem jamais ficarem maduras.
Assim me parece o Brasil de hoje.
De subdesenvolvido para decadente sem jamais ter sido civilizado.
No princípio era o caos, depois piorou..
My old father used to say that certain fruits go from green to rotten without ever ripening.
This is how Brazil seems to me nowadays.
Corruption, ineptitude, incompetence and bad faith.
From underdeveloped to decadent without ever having been civilized.
In the beginning was chaos, then it got worse...
This is how Brazil seems to me nowadays.
Corruption, ineptitude, incompetence and bad faith.
From underdeveloped to decadent without ever having been civilized.
In the beginning was chaos, then it got worse...