Sergio Pinheiro Lopes
Um aristocrata dos trópicos,
de boas maneiras e educado,
embora não de modo formal;
que deveria ficar longe do álcool;
que não deveria encher ouvidos
desprevenidos com falas
severas, melhor se não ditas;
primando na língua e na cultura
de seus antepassados, ao menos
quatro gerações já idas,
ele caminha e ultrapassa os anos:
pérola falsa entre legítimos suínos.
(Tradução para o português: Marcelo Tápia)
Sergio Pinheiro Lopes
An aristocrat from the tropics,
mild of manner and educated,
albeit not formally;
who should be kept away from alcohol
not to flood unprepared
ears with harsh observations
usually best left unsaid;
excelling in the language and culture
of his forefathers, at least
four generations removed,
he walks and lives:
a fake pearl amidst real swine.
Sergio Pinheiro Lopes
An aristocrat from the tropics,
mild of manner and educated,
albeit not formally;
who should be kept away from alcohol
not to flood unprepared
ears with harsh observations
usually best left unsaid;
excelling in the language and culture
of his forefathers, at least
four generations removed,
he walks and lives:
a fake pearl amidst real swine.